Saturday, July 26, 2008


Apparently, my last post was offensive to some.  Please allow me to elaborate.  First, I would not intentionally offend anyone with my comments.  This post was purely in fun.  I realize that everyone may not have my sense of humor about things but I tend to look at things in a humorous way most every day.  My wife reminded me that I have several chronic medical conditions myself and I poke fun at that daily.  My daughter is legally deaf in one ear and we call her Helen Keller.  My wife suffers from migraines.  My son has Asperger's Disease and we call him the Rainman.  That being said, my comments were not meant to harm-only to have some fun.  I try to remain lighthearted.  

To address one of the comments made regarding my previous post, I think most physicians are frustrated caring for patients with Fibromyalgia.  At least in my case (and I believe in others') the frustration is not so much with the patient or the illness, rather a reflection of the larger problem with healthcare.  When our system currently dictates a physician see 30+ patients a day in order to pay overhead expenses, we can get easily frustrated when a patient comes in that we know is going to take time.  It does not matter if it is a patient with Fibromyalgia, an ICU patient when you have an office full of patients waiting on you or another complex patient in your office that day.  That is not a reflection of the individual and certainly not meant to be an excuse.  But it is what it is.  Hopefully, as time progresses and we see some true healthcare reform, we will see the monetary value of primary care increase and physicians won't have to rush through patients like we do at present.

In conclusion to this post, I would say that humor is a good way to diffuse a situation, frustrations, etc.  This post was meant to be humorous, that's all.  

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